- Why is the number of beggars increasing in India..
- Have u ever wondered how they get the cards printed for begging in trains,,
- How beggars from another states acquire skill of singing in the local vernacular language..
- How do all of them sing the same song?
- How do the kids with them sleep always?
- How do they get kids of same age years on end?
- They abduct children for begging..
- They involve in robbery, killing, prostitution, spreading diseases, abductions&mutilating body parts of children.
- They destroy the small denomination coins so as to create scarcity of small denomination coins and get big denomination coins in the future..
- Some of them have fixed deposits, land properties etc..
- It is a social crime.. Many a times it is an organized social crime.. It is wasting the existing human resource simply by dragging upon the resources of the society..
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